Sunday, September 19, 2004

discipline my Ass!

I have a problem with discipline.
But actually I’ve tried very hard to fulfill what I really need based on agenda that I have.
But, sometimes, thing doesn’t work as what the thing should be supposed to be.
For instance, everyday before 7am I know that I have to show up at the operation office for checking, monitoring, and bla bla bla.
But you know what? I’ve still came 10-minutes late.

Everyone always say that I’m a damn perfectionist person. And get too much interest in details.
I know that it’s true.
But for some cases, I’m a little bit too let-it-go some of guy!
Confuse me, I know.

If I always make an excuse that I have no time to do everything….hmmm(?)
I think it is what a looser always says.

But anyway, now I wanna make my time more efficient.
I’ve made a promise to myself, that I have to use my time in order.
Like, every a half an hour before lunch break or office time end, I will make a writing for my blogspots. So, I’ll be productive, ha..

But wait, what happened if all those lousy feeling happens again.
Hmm…Maybe I will say, “discipline my Ass!!”


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